Research, Technology & Innovation

Mineral Processing & Characterisation

The Mineral Processing and Characterisation Cluster offers a comprehensive range of services that support clients in the initial stages of the mineral value chain, effectively combining concentration with various aspects of exploration. The Mineral Processing and Characterisation Cluster is comprised of three specialised divisions. The Analytical Chemistry...

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Extractive Metallurgy

Mintek's Extractive Metallurgy Cluster has established a reputation for its extensive expertise locally and abroad.  The Cluster comprises three divisions, each with a unique focus that enables clients to benefit from a range of solutions tailored to their specific needs, resulting in more efficient and sustainable operations. The Hydrometallurgy Division utilises aqueous chemistry to extract metals…

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Mining, Materials & Automation

The Mining, Materials, and Automation cluster conducts research and provides a range of services in mining, beneficiation, process control and automation, and post-mining. The Advanced Materials Division focuses on the beneficiation of minerals and conducts research in nanotechnology for health and water. The Division also looks at developing new materials and offers advanced material testing services…

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