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Call for nomination of candidates to serve on the Mintek Industry Advisory Panel

Background: Mintek is a science council established in terms of the Mineral Technology Act No. 30 of 1989, with the mandate to promote mineral technology, and to foster the establishment and expansion of industries in the field of minerals and products derived therefrom through research, development, and technology transfer. In pursuit of its mandate, Mintek has industry-focused interventions based on understanding the level of development of each customer and the industry segments to design and implement fit-for-purpose programs that can meet the needs of new, emerging, mature, and declining industries.

Mintek is looking for suitably qualified and experienced individuals to serve on the Mintek Industry Advisory Panel. The panel members shall be appointed on a three-year term, to advise Mintek on challenges and opportunities in the Mining and Minerals sector within South Africa and globally. The Panel will guide Mintek on how best to position and align its Industry R&D Programmes to address these challenges and opportunities.

Target Industries, Skills, and Experience: Nominees are invited from metallurgy, 4IR, mineral processing, emerging technology and mining and material automation experts. Target industries include upstream, midstream and downstream mining and minerals industries from local and international gold, PGM, coal, iron, copper, manganese and uranium producers.  The nominees must have at least 5 years managerial experience from local and international gold, platinum group metals, coal, iron, copper, manganese, and uranium sectors/commodity markets.

Remuneration of Members: All members will be remunerated in line with the National Treasury Guidelines of remuneration of Board Members.

Requirements for a Valid Nomination: A comprehensive Curriculum Vitae (CV) of the nominee should be attached, including copies of academic qualifications and a motivational letter. Nominations should be addressed to Mintekcv@mintek.co.za

Closing Date: Friday, 31 May 2024 at 16h30.