Mechanical testing
The MTC mechanical testing laboratory is well equipped to do all required mechanical testing. Available in the lab are the following equipment:
- Formability Tester - Amsler BUP 200
Poisson's Ratio
- Static Loading Machine - Instron 1175
- Dynamic Loading Machines - Instron 1361, and Instron 1342
- Hardness testing equipment P
- Impact Testing Equipment - Tinius Olsen Instrumented Charpy Impact Tester
This equipment allows the MTC to provide the following services:
- Vickers (Macro and Micro), Brinell, Knoop, and Rockwell hardness
- Static tension and compression testing - 300kN
- High temperature static testing - 1000°C
- Youngs Modulus
- R-value
- n-value
- Conventional S-N and da-dN - 250kN
- High temperature S-N fatigue testing - 1000°C
- Charpy V-notch (CVN) toughness testing
- Izod impact toughness testing
- Ductile to Brittle Transition Temperature (DBTT)
- Compact tension fracture toughness
- Three point bend fracture toughness
- Fracture toughness estimation of ceramic material
- Formability testing
- Drawability assesment
- Erichsen Testing
- Limiting Drawing Ratio (LDR) determination
- Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) testing