Dr Paul Jourdan is an African integrated development expert specialising in resource-based and spatial development strategies. He has wide experience working on economic growth and development in the SADC, West and East Africa. He’s the past President of Mintek, and past Deputy Director-General (DDG) in the Department of Trade and Industry (DTIC). He was a major contributor to the African Union’s “Africa Mining Vision” (2009) and “Country Mining Vision” (2014) as well as the SADC Regional Mining Vision (RMV). He is currently developing an African Green Minerals Strategy (AGMS) for the AfDB and AU and a Critical Raw Materials (CRM) Position Paper for the OACPS. He has developed numerous strategies for the development of Africa’s minerals, as well as several strategies on building local mineral supply chains (for the DTIC RCGDS (2015), the SADC (2016) and ECOWAS (2022). He sits on the Board of MEMSA (Mining Equipment Manufacturers of SA) and the SAMERDI Steering Committee (SA Mineral Extraction RDI) and has recently delivered an IDEP (UNECA) course on developing African mining/processing supply chains (MSCs: capital goods,consumables and services). He’s a graduate of UCT (BSc, BA), ITC (PGDip), Wits (MSc), Leeds (PhD), and Wits (MEng)