Foundry & Heat Treatment
The MTC has a fully operational foundry at the Mintek premises. There are four induction furnaces with load capacities of 5, 10, 50 and 150kg.
Sample composition can be analysed using the spark emission spectrometer, which can analyse ferrous and non-ferrous metals. A minimum size of 15mm in diameter is required.
The MTC also has a fully equipped heat treatment lab with:
- Three ramp rate adjustable muffle furnaces - max temperature of 1250°C and 1500°C
- Six manual muffle furnaces - max temperatures of 1000°C, 1200°C, 1400°C, 1600°C, and 1800°C
- One horizontal tube furnace - max temperature 1100°C
- Sintering Vertical Tube HT Furnace (1600?C) - high temperature tube furnace designed for vertical orientation, operating up to 1600 °C.
These furnaces are used for heat treatment of samples:
- Normalising
- Annealing
- Austenitizing
- Austempering
- Martempering
- Vacuum heat treament